Educating owners starts with the youth

Educating pet owners

In years of house to house visits and inspections, KAPS has advised and educated owners on the proper care of their animals.  This of course includes advice on animal hygiene and the avoidance of diseases, such as scabies and worms, which are so often contracted by impoverished children from ill-kept animals.

Educating the next generation of pet owners

But the only real hope for improved animal welfare in the deprived areas lies in educating the next generation.
Ever since its inception, KAPS has established strong links with local schools and arranges for visiting speakers, educational videos, puppet shows, etc.  School visits are organised, and child-oriented doggie shows have encouraged children to take pride in their pets.

Children enjoy a demonstration with Yvonne

* Speakers have come to our schools from near and far – including Cape Town PDSA, the Department of Nature Conservation, and from our local SPCAs. Talks and demonstrations are also given to prison inmates.

* KAPS works closely with Louise van der Merwe of the Humane Education Trust, who lets us have extensive educational material and videos. This includes material advocating Compassion in World Farming, whose aims we hope to inculcate into the Little Karoo’s future farmers and farm-workers.

* KAPS enjoyed an unexpected bonus when we were adopted by schoolchildren calling themselves the Eco-Kids from the Herschel Preparatory School in Cape Town, under the leadership of Lynette Pullen. They touched our hearts with donations of several hundred rands from pocket-money and street collections, followed up by a kombi-load of petfood for the undernourished dogs and cats of the Little Karoo.
Owners learn about hygiene for their dogs

* Volunteers from KAPS Management Committee, regularly organise educational shows and exhibitions for children during the school holidays.